CLIENT: Christchurch ReadyMix
For a company like Christchurch Ready Mix Concrete Ltd, keeping sand extraction costs low is crucial. Reducing these costs helps optimise operational efficiency and ensure more cost-effective production.
Christchurch Readymix Concrete were looking to reduce their high extraction costs and improve operational safety on site. Material discharge point 700m away from Dredging operation.
We introduced the Dragflow DRP120 remote-controlled dredge which allows for remote operation up to 700 meters away from the discharge point. A dredge operator can now monitor and control the dredge’s performance via a tablet from their office.
Christchurch Readymix & DRP 120 Dredge
The DRP120, operated by a single person, outperformed traditional methods, significantly cutting costs and increasing efficiency. The DRP 120 extracted the same amount of sand as a digger and 2 dump trucks.
Dredge Operator Simon Gill stated, "The DRP120 extracts sand quicker than a digger filling two dump trucks. Buying the dredge was a great idea."
Simon Gill operating the Dragflow DRP 120 via re-mote control.