Pump Types
Auto Prime
Centrifugal - Effluent
Chemical Pumps
Concrete Washdown
Dredge Pumps - Dewatering
Dredge Pumps - Sludge & Slurry
Flexi, Trash & Diaphragm
Flood Control Pumps
Flood Response Trailers
Food Processing Pumps
Fuels & Oils Pumps
High Head Pumps
Hygienic Pumps
Handy-sized Pumps
Hot Oil Pumps
Hot Water Pumps
Lamella Settling Tanks
Marine Pumps
Multi-use Flood Pumps
Peristaltic Pumps
pH Correction
Piston Pumps
PTO - Auto Prime
PTO - Flood Response
Primary Sludge
Progressive Cavity - Effluent
Proportional Dosing
Settling Tanks & Bag
Solids Handling Pumps
Submersibles - Drainage
Submersibles - Effluent
Submersibles - Slurry & Sludge
Submersibles - Flood Response
Surface Mounted Pumps
Stirrers - Agriculture
Stirrers - WWTP
Trash, Flexi & Diaphragm
Water Quality Monitoring
Comprehensive water treatment and monitoring solutions
Wangen MX Series pumps provides uniform metering, low-pulsation transfer of aqueous to highly viscous media. Their cassette design ensures minimal dead space and simplifies maintenance and repair.
Positive-displacement pumps that transfer medium-high viscosity fluids with minimal lubricating properties and no suspended solids.
Self-priming, multi-stage pumps offering low NPSH for medium-to-high-pressure applications for fluids with high gas content.
Wangen's KL-S, KB-S and KB22S self-priming PC pumps convey high viscous media up to 200,000mPA-s with or without solids. The KB22S is designed specifically for dosing.
Varisco V-Series volumetric internal gear positive displacement rotary pumps manage clean fluids with high viscosity where chemical-physical alteration must be avoided.
TCD-Series monostage centrifugal pumps will handle thermal fluids up to 365 degrees without additional cooling systems. TCD/SP Series pumps are specifically designed for vegetable oils.
Horizontal single stage pumps for hot water up to 207°C, with double heat barrier used primarily for hot water circulation in closed pipe and vessel systems.
Volute pumps for hot water up to 180°C, with standard uncooled mechanical seal, and internal separation.
Volute pumps for hot water up to 230°C with standard uncooled mechanical seal, internal separation.
The Hyline Series by Wangen features flexible and maintenance-free joints, and sedimentation-free design. Convey or dose food and beverages, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Wangen’s KB-SL, KL-SL and KL-RF hygienic progressive cavity pumps are tailored to convey low to very high viscosity media.
Available as a mobile or stationery unit, the MX-series hygienic progressive cavity pump offers differential pressure up to 80 bar.
Wangen Twin Screw pumps ensure smooth, gentle pumping of viscous, abrasive or shear-sensitive fluids, with CIP/SIP cleaning and minimal downtime.
A patented feeder unit for the Wangen Twin Screw pump. Conveys highly viscous, non-flowable media with variable hopper length.
The Varisco V CHOCO series internal positive displacement pumps are tailored specifically to chocolate manufacture.
Single stage centrifugal pumps with closed impeller. Pompe Travaini TCH Series pumps have high hydraulic efficiency and low NPSH requirements.
Prime Fluid Management supplies genuine parts for our pump brands, holding stock of common wear parts in New Zealand.
Here are some examples of our solutions being used.