Pump Types
Auto Prime
Centrifugal - Effluent
Chemical Pumps
Concrete Washdown
Dredge Pumps - Dewatering
Dredge Pumps - Sludge & Slurry
Flexi, Trash & Diaphragm
Flood Control Pumps
Flood Response Trailers
Food Processing Pumps
Fuels & Oils Pumps
High Head Pumps
Hygienic Pumps
Handy-sized Pumps
Hot Oil Pumps
Hot Water Pumps
Lamella Settling Tanks
Marine Pumps
Multi-use Flood Pumps
Peristaltic Pumps
pH Correction
Piston Pumps
PTO - Auto Prime
PTO - Flood Response
Primary Sludge
Progressive Cavity - Effluent
Proportional Dosing
Settling Tanks & Bag
Solids Handling Pumps
Submersibles - Drainage
Submersibles - Effluent
Submersibles - Slurry & Sludge
Submersibles - Flood Response
Surface Mounted Pumps
Stirrers - Agriculture
Stirrers - WWTP
Trash, Flexi & Diaphragm
Water Quality Monitoring
Comprehensive water treatment and monitoring solutions
Our hot water brands are constructed to last. they will deliver long-term reliability and low maintenance needs. Built tough as standard, both SIHI and Pompe Travaini offer additional corrosion-resistant materials and will build to spec.
Self-priming, multi-stage pumps offering low NPSH for medium-to-high-pressure applications for fluids with high gas content.
Horizontal single stage pumps for hot water up to 207°C, with double heat barrier used primarily for hot water circulation in closed pipe and vessel systems.
Volute pumps for hot water up to 180°C, with standard uncooled mechanical seal, and internal separation.
Volute pumps for hot water up to 230°C with standard uncooled mechanical seal, internal separation.
Single stage centrifugal pumps with closed impeller. Pompe Travaini TCH Series pumps have high hydraulic efficiency and low NPSH requirements.
Pompe Travaini and Sihi multistage and boiler feed pumps for:
Here are some examples of our solutions being used.