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Submersible Effluent Pumps

Durable vortex and cutter-stirrer submersibles, designed for mixing and homogenising milking shed effluent, 

Hard-working effluent management pumps

Our range of effluent submersibles are proven on the farm. They are energy-efficient, durable, and capable of withstanding corrosive environments.

We offer two types of effluent submersible –SolidsPro Vortex pumps and LJM cutter stirrer submersibles. Both ranges are built, with features designed to reduce wear and downtime due to maintenance.


SolidsPro MX Series Vortex Submersible

The recessed impeller and wide internal passage of vortex pumps allows solids to pass through without direct contact. This helps to reduce wear and unnecessary downtime due to clogging. Other benefits include: 

  • Flow-rate consistency despite variable matter
  • Cast iron and stainless steel construction

LJM Cutter Shredder Submersible Pumps

Designed to handle liquid manure with high straw and dry solids content LJM submersibles are available in a range of mounting options They are ideal for wintering barn effluent and heavy slurries. 

  • Low maintenance / long service intervals
  • Mechanical shaft seal
  • Built-in leakage and thermal control
  • Hardened steel wear parts
  • Available in sizes from 1.5kW to 18.5kW,

LJM Cutter-Shredder Submersible Pumps

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DPAE Series

Motor size: 1.5 – 3kW

Max head: 6.5 - 9.5mwc

Max flow: 65 – 105m3/hr

Discharge: 65 – 100mm

DPFH Series

Motor size: 1.5 – 3kW

Max head: 6.5 - 9.5mwc

Max flow: 65 – 105m3/hr

Discharge: 65 – 100mm

DPHT Series

Motor size: 1.5 – 3kW

Max head: 6.5 - 9.5mwc

Max flow: 65 – 105m3/hr

Discharge: 65 – 100mm

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In the Field

At Prime Fluid Management, experience talks. Take a look at some of our recent projects. 
Wastewater Transfer
Effluent Management, Southland
Effluent Management, Southland
Wastewater Management
Water Treatment